The Wee McGregor Glacier is a glacier in the Waitaha / Canterbury region of the Te Waipounamu / South Island of Aotearoa New Zealand.
It has a latitude of -43.33988 and a longitude of 170.721117 and it’s status is: Official Assigned.
Name submitted by Alwyn Chinn to confirm names for a “Map of Main Divide between Arthurs Pass and Mount Cook National Parks” published with the NZAC Journal. Name in current use, shown on Canterbury Mountaineering Club and other mountaineering maps of the area. The name Wee McGregor was first suggested about the time the glacier was first traversed by A K Wilson in 1933, Wilson submitted the name Helen Glacier. This name never found favour or use, and the name Wee McGregor, in keeping with the Scottish theme with the neighbouring Colin Campbell Glacier, was approved in 1963. Former official name “Mary Glacier” (1935 Hon p. 18)
It’s geographical description is noted as: Between the Outram and Baker Peaks. A tributary to the Helen Glacier.