The Vulcan Glacier is a glacier in the Ōtākou / Otago region of the Te Waipounamu / South Island of Aotearoa New Zealand.
It has a latitude of -44.363243 and a longitude of 168.794838 and it’s status is: Official Assigned.
Name submitted by Mr Paul Powell of Dunedin, for inclusion on maps in a book “Men Aspiring” that he had written. Mr Powell had a 24 year association with the area. Named from Roman Mythology, Vulcan was the god of fire. First traversed by C M Marshall, J Sage, E Riddiford, and P S Powell, in December 1945, as part of route up North-west ridge of Mount Fastness during first ascent of that mountain.
It’s geographical description is noted as: Glacier between north-west and south-west ridges of Mount Fastness, feeding into the Lower Volta Glacier. Aspiring Survey District..