The Trident Glacier is a glacier in the Waitaha / Canterbury region of the Te Waipounamu / South Island of Aotearoa New Zealand.
It has a latitude of -43.458696 and a longitude of 170.572008 and it’s status is: Official Assigned.
Traversed on 14 January 1933 and named by A.J. Scott, Dr Russell Fraser, and Alf Brusted. It is divided into three channels by two ribs of rock. Source: Reed, A.W. & Peter Dowling, Place Names of New Zealand, 2010.
It’s geographical description is noted as: Glacier running up the top of the spur north of Fitzgerald Glacier on the West slopes of Mount D’Archiac in the Two Thumb Range. Feature shown on: NZMS260 I35 Edition 1 1993 Limited Revision 1996; NZTopo50-BX17 036854.