The Throne Glacier is a glacier in the Waitaha / Canterbury region of the Te Waipounamu / South Island of Aotearoa New Zealand.
It has a latitude of -43.361828 and a longitude of 170.699904 and it’s status is: Official Assigned.
Name submitted by the Canterbury Chief Surveyor, September 1969, after research in connection with the revision of NZMS1 S72. Originally submitted 18/12//1952 by C G Burrows. The name was then timely, being coronation year, and fit in with other names in the area, Coronation, Orb, etc.
It’s geographical description is noted as: Glacier flowing westward from the Cloudy Peak Range, at head of Coronation Stream, 1.5km North of Helmet Peak. Block II Tyndall Survey District.