The Sustins Glacier is a glacier in the Waitaha / Canterbury region of the Te Waipounamu / South Island of Aotearoa New Zealand.
It has a latitude of -43.470896 and a longitude of 170.43709 and it’s status is: Official Assigned.
Nolan Sustins was in his youth a close friend of T A Fletcher and visited the Franz Joseph Glacier with him. Sustins was killed at Gallipoli in World War 1. Correct form for glacier at S71:060635, formerly shown as Sustine Glacier, “Sustins” Glacier agreed upon see file 3/201 v/11 f/1488. Refer “Place names in Mount Cook National Park” by Dr G Riley.
It’s geographical description is noted as: Glacier flows into Joie de Vivre glacier in Mt Cook National Park.