The Olivine Ice Plateau is a ice feature in the Ōtākou / Otago region of the Te Waipounamu / South Island of Aotearoa New Zealand.

It has a latitude of -44.437588 and a longitude of  168.37306 and it’s status is: Official Assigned.

Described as a crevasseless neve between walls formed by Blockade, Climax, Destiny, Passchendaele, Gable Peaks, and Intervention Ridge, north of the Barrier Range. The feature may have been crevasseless in 1938, but this is no longer true.

It’s geographical description is noted as: A relatively flat neve in Five Fingers Range from Climax Col in the southwest to Futility Rock in the northeast. Feature shown on: NZTopo50-CA10 318691.

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