The Arawhata Glacier is a glacier in the Ōtākou / Otago region of the Te Waipounamu / South Island of Aotearoa New Zealand.
It has a latitude of -44.405766 and a longitude of 168.655071 and it’s status is: Official Assigned.
The name Arawhata means path to the food store and refers to a post, notched with steps (whata) as a means of approach to a food store. Whata can also refer to a post which is notched and placed against another post, like a ladder. Spelling change from Arawata Glacier. Corrigendum: 1991 No. 32 p. 638. Refer Johannes Andersens book, “Māori Place Names”, also “Personal Names and Names of Colours”, 1942.
It’s geographical description is noted as: Glacier at the head of the Arawhata River, south of Waipara Saddle.