
Glacialist.nz is a small hobby project designed to be the definitive list of named glaciers across Aotearoa New Zealand.

This website aims to capture the change in New Zealand’s glaciers over time. This will be via user contributions, existing data and ongoing updates from the scientific community. To start with, it’s just a base level of data about each glacier and their location, but over time I’m hoping to track their health and existence in our modern world.

It is also planned to be an educational tool to inform and excite people about glaciers, ice, geography and Aotearoa New Zealand.

So… 👀 have you seen a glacier recently in New Zealand?

Taken a photo or seen this glacier recently? We’re keeping a log to see if they still exist! Please do send us an email to glacialist@speedymail.org with proof of life, and we’ll make sure we note this down on the correct page!

Fox Glacier, New Zealand
Fox Glacier / Te Moeka o Tuawe
Te Tai Poutini / West Coast, Te Waipounamu / South Island, Aotearoa / New Zealand.

This website uses contributions from the New Zealand Gazetteer, which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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